Monday, January 18, 2010

Canadian 2010 Kick-Off, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Jan,09, 2010

Points made:

- Where else? Can you have the ownership?, become RVP, SVP + (CEO), make Million + per year?

- There's gotta be a better way then corporate - there is: Primerica
2009 an average corporate CEO made 173 times the average average worker
Is that not overriding? are they trying to help you to earn more?

- You can't tell who is going to win - but you can tell who wont

- This is a window of opportunity, a land of opportunity

- 2010 is a year of growth, a year of greatness

- You can make a difference in your life

- Leaders are readers

- We stand for a change

- Put time into people

- Give back to community

- You can make a difference in the world

- Glorify God, help people

- A new decade, a new beginning
*- Jason Ross,, ON, Canada (formerly: Purolator) now $600,000

1. History is history

2. Be the new you - stay away from negative people, change your environment

3. Have goals and game plan; detail it

4. Win - be results oriented

5. Have fun, smile, be happy, make people jealous
John Carlo Gigone, St. Catherines, ON, Canada (formerly: teacher) now $895,000

First 10 days of year - resolutions, resolve, to do something bigger & better

1. Don't ask will this work, ask will I work?

2. Have the courage building in tough time, in such times there are winners, decades of internal turmoil = success

3. Keep your priority in order; in 'people business' doing financial services people with integrity do things the right way instead of the easy way - have courage to push through

What do you choose to do with your life?
Jim & Trish Beaulne, Ottawa, ON, Canada; started at 21, now 41 $1,000,000 +

You can plant your flag here, Primerica is going to be there.

God has His hand on this company, it is a company of destiny.

God created us equally; we are same as you, we just started earlier

God allows you to go through tough times to be able to help others

God give me the words to say; we need no wish bones, we need back bones; capture the hearts

* Have the discipline to make us do what we should do in order to get what we want to have

Price to pay is part of temporary sacrifice.

1. Jesus Christ
2. Family
3. Business

Next 60 days this is a new company. You're supposed to be here. It can happen to you.

2010 Kick-Off
Saturday, January 9th, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm.
Metro Toronto Convention Centre (Halls F & G)(South Building).
222 Bremner Boulevard Toronto Canada

Primerica on the Road is with us Saturday.

I pre-purchased tickets for everyone ($11 each) so they are a few bucks cheaper (they are $15 at the door if it isn't sold out).

Metro Toronto Convention Centre

5000 strong

Tickets $11 -- get them now -

John Addison -- co-CEO

* Time moves whether we want it or not
* best movies in last 10 years: Matrix & Money
* 2010 we'll Win - I will Win Attitude is only thing you can control
* Primerica will Begin again in 2010
** Get you energy level up - 2010 will determine destiny gor next decade -> 2020
* Typical household has $10,700 in debt
* 61% live paycheck to paycheck
* get people to invest long term
*** Primerica is being Re-Founded into a Growing Distribution Company
*** Primerica will Largest Independent Publicly Traded company in North America in 2010

1. Has to be good for the client
2. has to pay us Good
3. has to Profitable

Primerica is all of those

We are temporarily occupying a title, a space -- it's about showing up when you don't feel like showing up; doing what you don't feel like doing.. it's creating the fulfillment of destiny - don't wait on anything, do it now! If you ain't moving it won't natter a bit what Primerica is doing.

Glenn Williams -- president

This is the 33rd year for us. Begin Again 2010 - slogan
* We will win in 2010.
** 1st Contest of New Primerica is in San Diego Aug. 2010
*** The Challenge In Destiny Contest ***
* 1500 slots * Jan - May 2010 * 165 Future RVP's * 25 DebtWatchers *
Recruits X 2,500
Class attendance X 3,000
Class complete X 4,000
Life licensed X 5,000
Security licensed X 15,000

1 or more recruit in January --> Team Double for more recruits than last January or double-digit recruits

** New Pioneer Club Dec - May

Because We Do What Is Right
flash drive with tons of resources

Drive Financial (Securities) Seminars

Debt Freedom Crusade

Exciting changes in Lending Business

Connect with Technnology -- for clients --> LIVING FNA

Morning Star - Professional Investment tool is part of POL others charge $300/month for software

Internet Video Collaboration - talk upto 6 people with one Internet connection - for RVP's

Video Email prospecting with statitistics

What can I drive right now?

-- Recruit - everybody is looking for something; something you believe in , trust in: get better at telling the story

-- Premium - most people have have wrong coverage type or amount
-- Cash flow - make money if you have a code; if you're licensed
-- Got to compete - I am going on the trip
-- Excited about what we have - fighting to Win
-- Do you have a game plan for 2010 - you gotta expect to Win
-- Winers Win - they expect to win; there is commitment & excitement
-- Loser's wish
-- Have bigger vision Than you can imagine
-- Build Leaders - find buddies with which you want to win with; find somebody that wants to.
-- Opportunity in life knocks about three times; is this your 1st knock or last?
-- In 2010 put something in place, make a legacy
-- For 12 months we will give it everything we've got!
-------------------------- LET'S GO & DO IT ------------------------------

John Addison

Ubrealla? March? a day, a moment in in destiny
San Diego - the first time New Primerica will meet - NEW LOGO

Unbelievable stuff!

Expansion Mind-set

Growth Mind-set

* I will be the most excited person on my team
* I will have the best attitude in my team

** Excitement + Efforts = Results

** Loosen up: don't take things so serious

** Laugh -- have some fun -- I will do something amazing

2010 is the beginning of beginning

Ivan Earle -- Newest $Million , Columbia, South Dakota

Person of destiny has a choice.

** Primerica On The Road **

$30-40K in 8 months

RVP Ezel Parker 5-6 years right out of college

2009 is over, 2010 starts now! A Whole New Season Is Ahead! What is 2010 going to be for you?
Frank Dillon 10 years kicking tail; winning (as 20 year old in 2nd year as RVP made $17K in the 1st month as RVP)

"Thank God for this Opportunity"

-- Have the Attitude of winning
-- We Focus on preparing things
-- You can survive everything in life
-- In 2009 we prepared a lot of people; you have to go to work, you are responsible
-- Isolate ourselves from the negative -- Focus on Building
-- We;ll recruit 4,000 people
-- A lot of people can't see the opportunity -- focus on winning
-- Focus on Your TEAM to win
-- Simplify the business - RECRUIT TO RECRUIT

John Addison
- We Are a Leadership company
-- Business that builds an incredible success

Randy Godfrey 30 years in business; at 25 was the youngest RVP in company - now a Millionaire

** Most powerful words transforming peoples lives -- HOPE
** Take advantage of New Primerica
** Most significant time in history of Primerica is 2010
** Deception of working hard to cool it to chill it; that part never happens -- you do those things because you love it so much.
** Hope keeps you going -- keeps you young
** Wishing hope is Not: Knowing, Deep Hope that Abides in You; hope that doesn't disappoint
** Expectation Based on Truth = You Have this Hope
** Leaders develop leaders that leave a legacy
** Primerica is a living breathing book on leadership
** 51% of the licensed people
** It's true we have only 2% of market share - we will have 10%
** the evidence is surrounding you
** Ownership to a new level - you can override all the efforts in shares of the greatest producers in company
** In 2010 let's make a greatest company in the world

John Addison

-- It's not over until it is over
-- What's controlling you? what's on your mind?

The war of the mind; In next 10 years we will conquer the world
-war against victim thinking, war against mediocre thinking -- it is going to come from us
-- Either join us or or get run over by us
-- We have giant future, better products, better technology, revolutionary, cutting edge
-- Life before this was a preparation for this New York -- time??
-- Gold level invitation 10 for 3 months
-- Attack, charge, come out strong, if this company is your home, let's tear into it with confidence, emotion,

-- Together we begin 2010, Greatest Decade in Primerica!

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