Monday, January 18, 2010

"Let us not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."

Check out the webinar presentation below to discover the Combination To Unlock Your Primerica Dream!

(Note: To get the documents referenced in this Webinar, visit the links at the bottom of the page!)

By Bill Stewart of

Is It Failure or Successicide?

By Bill Stewart ©2008

When asked the opposite of success

Most folks will say, “Failure, I guess."

I do not think that really is true.

Successful people have often failed, too.

In fact, the successful have failed quite a bit.

Usually more often than those who have quit

A Failure may slow you, but it doesn’t mean stop;

You make it a gravestone or a step to the top.

When you fail, it is only a test of your mettle.

Do you keep on trying or decide to just settle?

When settling, you just accept where you are;

You give up, quit fighting, you never go far.

When you choose to settle - give up on the ride -

You’re making a choice called: “successicide.”

Successicide – a decision that means

You’ve turned off the lights on your own field of dreams.

Successicide is just walking away,

Instead of choosing to fight one more day.

Successicide – it’s your journey’s end;

But failure can truly become a good friend.

A teacher to help you to find a new way;

To keep moving steadily forward each day.

You cannot go back and start over again,

So start where you are toward a new end.

And when you have failed, get up and take heart.

Here’s your chance to rise up and make a new start.

When facing your failures, be brave, my dear friend,

From each of your failures you learn how to win.

If you have a dream you think may have died,

Just ask: Was it failure or “successicide”?

There Is More In You - Recorded Feb. 14th

Be a Sower! (Purpose) -- Recorded April 18th, 2009

View the Webinar link below to discover how you can "Begin Again in 2010"!

At you will hear from some of Primerica's top leaders as they share from their heart about their purpose, mission, vision and values and how their lives and values and their lives are making an impact Beyond The Biz!

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